
By: Anita Cash

Category: Informational


The Dirty Secret of the Credit Bureaus

Credit scores are a powerful factor in modern life. They determine whether you can buy a home, finance a car, or even get a job. Yet, the system that governs these scores, the credit bureaus, operates in a way that most consumers don’t fully understand—largely because the credit bureaus don’t want them to.

The dirty secret of the credit bureaus is that they count on consumer ignorance to maintain their profit margins. While you might think that these organizations work in your best interest, ensuring that your credit report is accurate and up-to-date, the reality is far more complex and troubling. The credit bureaus are primarily focused on serving the businesses that pay them, not the consumers who are subject to their reports.

Credit Bureaus: A Business Model Built on Consumer Unawareness

Credit bureaus, like Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, are for-profit companies. Their revenue largely comes from selling credit reports and scores to lenders, landlords, and other businesses. These companies are more invested in keeping their business customers happy than in ensuring that your credit report is accurate. This is why they are often slow to correct errors and why they may skirt or ignore laws designed to protect consumers, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

The FCRA requires credit bureaus to investigate any disputes regarding the accuracy of information on your credit report. However, these investigations are often cursory at best. The credit bureaus have a financial incentive to keep their operational costs low, which can mean that your dispute might be handled by a third-party contractor who is more interested in closing the case quickly than in ensuring that the information is corrected.

The Challenge of Making Credit Bureaus Obey the Law

Unless you have a deep understanding of credit law or access to legal counsel, getting a credit bureau to correct an error on your report can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. The bureaus have armies of lawyers and a complex system designed to wear you down. Even when they are clearly in the wrong, they may resist correcting your report, hoping you’ll give up.

This is where steps in. Through our partnership with Rapid Rescore, we have developed a process that forces the credit bureaus to follow the law and accurately report information. Unlike the superficial investigations often conducted by the bureaus, our method is thorough and relentless. We know the laws they are required to follow, and we hold them accountable.

The Results Speak for Themselves

The results of our approach have been nothing short of remarkable. Our customers have seen their credit scores increase by 50 to 100 points after we’ve corrected inaccuracies and outdated information. This kind of improvement can be life-changing, opening doors to better loan terms, lower interest rates, and greater financial opportunities.

For most people, achieving this kind of result on their own would be nearly impossible. The legal knowledge and persistence required are beyond what the average consumer has the time or resources to invest. But at, we do the heavy lifting for you.

Take Control of Your Credit Score

If you or someone you know could benefit from a 50-100 point increase in their credit score, is here to help. Our expertise and partnership with Rapid Rescore give us the tools to make the credit bureaus do what they should have done in the first place—accurately report your credit information.

Visit today to learn more about how we can help you take control of your credit score and secure the financial future you deserve.

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